Energy Efficiency Is Possible
Despite opposing opinions on global warming, I think that we can agree on at least one thing: saving energy is better for everyone - plus it saves money. Whether or not the ice caps are melting due to human activity or whether the earth is just entering another life-phase, developing green-solutions to everyday functions is a brilliant move for the consumer and also for the general environment. Admit it, the movers and shakers of today are more corporate than political and if we can get corporations behind being genuinely environmentally friendly we will have developed more sustainable resources, decrease pollution, increase general health, create new jobs, decrease the cost of living, increase the quality of life, and hopefully convert the old "American Dream" to become possible, affordable, accessible and more sustainable dream.
Exhibit A: In Brazil there is an engineer who harnessed the energy of the sun through water during a blackout period. He put clean water into water bottles, 2 caps of detergent, made a few minor adjustments and put them into his roof where they captured the sun's light and created free, solar energy that produced a stronger and more natural light than the conventional lights found in homes. Now everyone in his neighbourhood is using this technology and saving on their energy bills. Take a look.
Use a 2-Liter Bottle as a 50 Watt Light Bulb lightbulb
Image captions from the video: